Voice channel activity logging and tracking

Bag has the capability to track all voice channel activity in your server.

Seeing a user's voice channel activity

In order to check a user's voice channel activity, do /voicelog <user>.

Using voicelog

Seeing what voice channel a user is in

In order to see what voice channel a user is in, do /vc <user>.

Using vc

Tracking a user's voice channel activity

Bag has a unique feature that lets you track a user's voice activity.

Do /vct <user> to use it. The command updates as the user joins/leaves/moves voice channels.


Tracking lasts for 3 minutes. If you wish to track a user for a longer period of time, run the same command again.

Command Description
/voicelog <user> Shows the voice channel logs of a user.
/vc <user> Shows what voice channel a user is in.
/vct <user> Tracks the voice channel activity of a user.